It truly is an interesting thing when you realize the thing you decided to do may just be bigger than you can handle. I thought, what is there to worry about? Make product, sell product, done! Hahahahahahahahaha!
I have this really great friend who enjoys starting companies. It is a talent she possesses and has helped many, MANY, people make a go of their own businesses and ideas. While taking my daughters to the orthodontist I ran into her. "Tory!" she said "We have to talk! Lunch, tomorrow!" "Ok" I say. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. This friend has contagious enthusiasm and can make you feel like you can do ANYTHING! Everyone should have a friend like that in their life (in moderation, of course). :)
I knew we were there to talk about the scarves and brought her a couple of samples. Oh my goodness. She raved about the product. It was then that I started to realize "Hey, I might really be on to something here!". It was like having my own little business manager complete with her own board of directors. Within a couple of days she came back with focus group information in hand and an invitation to a very large trade show. "When is the show?" I asked. "The end of July." She said. "How am I going to get enough product to go to something like that?" I asked. "We'll figure it out." she said. "Ok." I said.
I started making a list...and the list got longer, and longer, and longer...
Day 1: Am I out of my mind?
Day 2: I must be out of my mind!
Day 3: I am completely out of my mind!
You get the idea.
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