So, I may have overdone it in my preparation for the show, but, I had no idea what to expect. I'd barely done one boutique and had only a couple of stores that I wholesaled my product to. However, no one can say I wasn't ready for anything. My husband, my oldest daughter, three great friends, and I took shifts during the three day week-end managing my booth.
Right off I started talking with other vendors in the cash and carry area. I wanted to get a feel for what to expect and how my product compared with other offerings. I was actually kind of surprised at the amount of, well, how do I put it...cheep jewelry made in china...that was prevalent in the cash and carry area. Don't get me wrong, I love that stuff and I bought a good amount at the show, however, I was wondering if I was in the right area. I had handmad in the usa items that could not come anywhere near the prices of accessories in the other booths.
I rallied, however, and had incredible energy for my product. Not only is it made in the USA but there is nothing like it anywhere. As I spoke with vendors, they also had great things to say about my product. They were so helpful and gave so many great pointers to me...I felt like I had entered into some type of family.
The vendors out on the floor and in the artisan's section were equally kind, helpful, and supportive. Each had different experiences and insight to share and I appreciated everything that I was learning.
Selling! You know, I always thought I was a terrible sales person. I think most people are unless they have something that they really truly believe in. It was an absolute joy selling my product. Our booth was more like a women's accessory party than a store. I loved grabbing women out of the aisle and putting a scarf on them to show them just how fabulous this accessory would compliment their outfit. The best was when our booth was absolutely full. Everyone wanted to see what the commotion was and the energy of a dozen women accessorizing themselves was just a joy to behold.
Large wholesale orders were also great. Meeting these store owners who had come from throughout the west was an absolute treat for me. I loved getting to know them and hearing stories about their journey. They are all entrepreneurs, just like me. Once again, it was like being accepted into an extended family.
One of my favorite things that started happening is when people started coming around saying "I see everyone wearing these beautiful scarves around the show and just had to come over and get one for myself." I also loved the people who came back day two and three to get "just a couple more" for either themselves or friends.
My group and I had an absolute blast. We laughed and smiled everyday. Several of the vendors who did this for a living said they had never been situated next to a happier booth and that it was a joy to have been next to us. I think that was one of the greatest accomplishments. I guess that is a lesson what you love and love what you do. Happiness can be found anywhere.
One of the highlights was on day three when the Oasis Coordinators came by and presented me with the "Best Booth Award". I was smiling ear to ear. What an honor to be such a newbie in the business and receive such an honor. I left feeling so proud of my team and my business, what I had accomplished and what was going to be accomplished. Oasis was the perfect springboard for my little business. Watch out, Curly Q Original is going nationwide!
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